About Us My Own Professional Health Services

About Us

My Own Professional Health Services was established by our Principal OT Joshua Selvadurai in January 2020.  We provide quality services, assessment, therapy and intervention services across our clients’ lifespan, My Own Professional Health Services has grown to provide both adult and paediatric services to clients in their homes, local community and workplaces.

Responding to the needs of people with varied health conditions, injuries and disabilities, our therapists are committed to working with clients and their families to achieve their goals for independence. We are a growing team of handpicked professionals who have the right attitude and right skills.

Joshua Selvadurai is a Registered Occupational Therapist, having worked with Various organization specializing in Assistive Technology, is an accredited SWEP Prescriber, and has also practised Occupational Therapy in both Singapore and India. With over a decade of experience as an Occupational Therapist, Joshua has largely been involved in providing expert advice, training and specialist information on a broad range of technology and built environment solutions.

He has consequently developed a strong interest for emerging technology in the area of home automation and environmental control. He has also completed a Master in Business Administration, further studies in complex home modifications and is currently undertaking a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.




 Joshua has extensive experience in the provision of non-standardised and standardised assessment tools including but not limited to FIM, Bathel Index, Lawton’s, WHODAS 2.0 and CAN’s.

For more details about myOwn Team