Supports and services provided by My Own Professional Health Services
Classes of Support
0101 Accommodation/Tenancy
0103 Assist Prod-Pers Care/Safety
0105 Personal Mobility Equipment
0108 Assist-Travel/Transport
0111 Home Modification
0112 Assistive Equip-Recreation
0113 Vision Equipment
0116 Innov Community Participation
0120 Household Tasks
0122 Hearing Equipment
0123 Assistive Prod-Household Task
0124 Comms & Info Equipment
0128 Therapeutic Supports
0130 Assistance Animals
0135 Custom Prosthetics
Our services are responsive to individual needs and are focused on achieving timely outcomes so people can get on with the job of living fulfilling and meaningful lives.
Explore equipment and technology options to enhance function, safety, and wellbeing in all areas of life.
Home Automation
See how emerging home control options can help you achieve a safer, connected and more accessible home.
Home Mods
Look at how environmental redesign can better accommodate individual needs and lifestyle preferences.
A range of therapy services focusing on re-enablement, capacity building and skill development tailored to your functional goals.
Biomechanical treatment and rehabilitation including musculoskeletal, orthopaedic, mobility assessment, neurological, respiratory and aged care.
Positive Behaviour Support
Provides a positive framework for assessment and management strategies associated with challenging behaviour patterns.
Speech Therapy
Speech, language and mealtime support for both children and adults with communication and feeding difficulties.
Capacity Building/Skill Development
Investigate transport and driving options including assessment, re-training, access conversion and control modifications.